AWS Provider Overview

The officially supported Nitric AWS Provider.

provider: nitric/aws@latest

See the Overview page for general information on Nitric Pulumi providers.

The AWS provider is supported by the Nitric SDKs and CLI by default. However, credentials for an AWS account will be required when using the up command from the CLI.

AWS Credentials

The Nitric CLI uses standard AWS credential settings to authenticate with AWS. If you've set credentials for the AWS CLI or an AWS SDK previously, these settings should work without modification.

If you're setting your credentials for the first time, there are several available methods. We recommend the standard AWS credentials file to get started.

AWS Credential File Setup

Create a new credentials files at one of these locations:

  • ~/.aws/credentials on Linux, macOS, or Unix
  • C:\Users\USERNAME\.aws\credentials on Windows

The file should contain the following:

aws_access_key_id = your_access_key_id
aws_secret_access_key = your_secret_access_key

To use a different AWS profile for your deployments, you can use the AWS_PROFILE environment variable. If no profile is supplied, we will use the [default] profile.

Replace your_access_key_id and your_secret_access_key with your own values.

You can create an Access Key by logging into the AWS console and navigating to: Username Menu > Security credentials > Access keys > Create New Access Key

See AWS documentation for full details on credentials and configuration.

Stack Configuration

# The provider to use and it's published version
# See releases:
provider: nitric/aws@latest
# The target aws region to deploy to
# See available regions:
region: my-aws-stack-region
# The timezone that deployed schedules will run with
# Format is in tz identifiers:
schedule-timezone: Australia/Sydney # Available since v0.27.0
# Import existing AWS Resources
# Currently only secrets are supported
# Available since v0.28.0
# A name ARN map of buckets, where the name matches the nitric name of the bucket you would like to import
buckets: # Available since v1.10.0
# NOTE: Imported S3 buckets must exist in the same AWS account and region as the Nitric project
my-bucket: arn:...
# A name ARN map of secrets, where the name matches the nitric name of the secret you would like to import
secrets: # Available since v0.28.0
# In typescript this would import the provided secret reference for a secret declared as
# const mySecret = secret('my-secret');
my-secret: arn:...
# Apply configuration to nitric APIs
# The nitric name of the API to configure
# Array of domains to apply to the API
# The domain or parent domain must have a hosted zone already in Route53
description: An AWS API
# Configure your deployed services
# How services without a type will be deployed
# configure a sample rate for telemetry (between 0 and 1) e.g. 0.5 is 50%
telemetry: 0
# configure services to deploy to AWS lambda
lambda: # Available since v0.26.0
# set 128MB of RAM
# See lambda configuration docs here:
memory: 128
# set a timeout of 15 seconds
# See lambda timeout values here:
timeout: 15
# set a provisioned concurrency value
# For info on provisioned concurrency for AWS Lambda see:
provisioned-concurrency: 0
# Configure VPCs that the lambda can access
# Array of existing security group ids to apply
- sg-xxx
# Array of existing subnet ids to apply
- subnet-xxx
# Additional deployment types
# You can target these types by setting a `type` in your project configuration
telemetry: 0
memory: 1024
timeout: 60
provisioned-concurrency: 1

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Last updated on Oct 15, 2024